Sunday, January 28, 2007


"nothing impresses you?" said I,

"For it is yoursimple respect I do want.

You put on your image...And I put on mine!

For this is the ultimate sin." said I

"Be who you are! Let the diamond show:

If you are romantic--be it! Like the 'witty' and 'charming'


sometimes me.

But I notice how many times we put on the fakery...

To give the impression of who we aren't!

I am the romantic in my heart,

and I let it flow through this art."

"On your honesty I will depend, and we will ride

your strength into the wind until we see the

light of destiny.

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Posted at 6:12 PM 2 comments

One Step

I look into your eyes and I feel great dread.

For I am attracted to you to no end,

and I know not what to say.

For your eyes do weaken me,

and I feel like the stumbling fool.

So, I take one step at a time before I ask you to bed.

For I am a person of commitment, befor I shed.

I ask not of marriage, but the simplicity of comapionship,

for this is my commitment before I wed


Posted at 4:24 AM 0 comments

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Look Into My Heart

A message sent,

From whom I do not know,

And it was loud and clear.

“Live your Life! Shares your hopes! Be one with


For tomorrow may not come.” The message may



But only joy can be felt. It was a wakeup call. I had been

Living in a daze.

Not facing reality, failing to see my own


It does not matter what trivial concerns had faced me previously.

Only that life cane experienced moment to moment.

And with that, I looked into my heart,

And notice it grown cold and distant form being broken

With disappointment.

My hopes, desires crushed, as I had wallowed in my fears.

But I looked into my heart, and saw a rebirth beginning

For a new was awaiting for me to grab hold and experience



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Posted at 1:32 PM 0 comments

Monday, January 22, 2007

Silent Night in Heaven

My fellow brother brought me hope and joy in my life.

My fellow brother brought me love and serenity to my world.

My fellow brother inspired others and a sense of well being to all he knew.

Now he is gone and I sit here with a lump in my throat and an ache in my


I sit here in the dark with the kitchen light illuminating through window wondering

where the time has gone.

I allow myself to seep into depression that envelopes my being.

I feel lost,

Searching for answers that only the universe can bring in time.

So, this silent night, my world and heaven lies heavy on my heart.

I ponder, wonder, where this silent in heaven is going to end….


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Posted at 3:57 PM 0 comments

Thursday, January 18, 2007


One night starring

At the starry eye sky
I realized,

My dream for the future would come if
I allow,

Myself to view the truth

That I am worth all the passion that is in my heart and

My soul,

For the answer I have been

Seeking has always been with me and

My ‘God.’

photo credits by

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Posted at 7:00 PM 0 comments

Monday, January 08, 2007

Ickiv V


can only happen in the midst of risk,



and motion.

Transition emotes

and cannot be seen in the


Transition -- is the everlasting eternal.

Photo credits by

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Posted at 1:03 PM 0 comments

Ickiv III

A sereis of thoughts occur to me,

being myself,

I see much beauty and despair,

viewing what is,

what might be,

can only be viewed of what 'I' perceive

as my reality

Knowing this--I ask myself--and

rightly so, "How do 'I' touch thee,

as a friend

or acquaintance?"

I would prefer the former.

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Posted at 12:46 PM 0 comments

Ickiv II

Looking past Tomorrow,

one cannot see ones shadows

Looking past Today,

one cannot see ones fates

Looking the in the past,

one cannot see the present

Looking in the moment,

one can see desire,

beauty and love ---

Looking in the now

one's future is surley bright

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Posted at 12:16 PM 0 comments

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Embers of Light in Darkest Moments

In the Darkest of Times,

life seems to clamors for the horror,

the bitterness, and the tragedy.

In the Darkest of Times,

life seems to rally for death,

seek apathy of the Host, deny the will of the

“other,” and deny the harmony of love.

In the Darkest of Times,

the dawning of the day never

comes, the hopeful seem to surrender,

and apathy sends the death nail of Liberty, of

happiness, and of freedom.

In the Darkest of times, the blackest of hearts seem to

rule, and the faithful fall away form the

center, and extremism becomes the rule, instead of

the exception.

In the Darkest of times, the birth of dissent

simmers, embers of rebellion begin to

glow, and the light of hope is revealed.

~ gks

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Posted at 7:38 AM 0 comments

Monday, January 01, 2007

In a dark foreboding place

Held deep within

A place I dare not look

Fearing it may reflect

A stillness,

An emotion,

A truth to harsh for me to


So avoidance is my key

I run,

Shrink away

Not understanding…

But it persists,

Challenging and

Stalking me;

And, in the end the comes

Only what I feared the most

Was myself and the quest for life.

~ gks

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Posted at 8:18 AM 0 comments