Tuesday, July 04, 2006


by Irena the Croatian

Monday, July 03, 2006

Current mood: Sad Category: Life

In the last four days, I've spent a lot of time playing solitaire. And the more I play, the more I'm starting to see its parallels to life... seriously. Every deck you get is fully solvable. It's all about strategy, taking chances. Which card to move, which chance to take? You let some cards pass you by. And maybe you'll realize how important that card is and if it's early enough, you can go back and take it. Sometimes you skip through everything else to find that card again, and then you wonder if you did the right thing. Sometimes you get distracted by another stack and forget all about the first one. Then the third one appears. Did I do the right thing? Who knows...?

Sometimes it seems like such a perfect game. Your initial hand becomes two piles, you open up two king slots, and you get all four of your aces in the extra pile. But somewhere along the line, you make it dirty. By taking the wrong chances. And you gotta clean up. Take five steps backwards and hope you can make the leap forward when the roadblock is off...

Back to reality.

Posted at 11:34 AM


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