Sunday, June 11, 2006


by Irena the Croatian

There's a very odd feeling of melancholy that seems to seep in whenever I'm leaving a familiarity behind. Even if I'm leaving for the better... it seeps in. It kind of overtakes me at times, makes me question my decisions, think about them twice.

I'm sitting underneath the crab apple tree, in front of my door. Maybe for the last time, who knows….It's not really my door anymore. There is so much in those walls, so very much. It was the first physical piece of individuality that I snagged. I held it and I ran with it. Sometimes I tripped and fell. Sometimes I didn't feel like getting up. But I held onto it nonetheless, I held onto my box…. It echoes now, every step and every movement it hears it echoes back at me. And as empty as it is, it is ten times as full.

I'm going to click "Post". Then I will click "Post" again. Then I will close my laptop. I'm gonna put it in the case, then I will carry the case, my cigarettes and keys to my car. I have a new box now. But I'm deathly afraid that I won't be able to fill it the way I filled this one.

I'll be back later just to empty the storage. I won't sit underneath the crab apple tree and listen to the echo of the song that the screen door number two and the Pearl Street wind are playing. I really don't think I can. So I will say my goodbyes now: Goodbye Ellie & Fiona, Subaru of America, Christopher Robert Simon Stoop, and Fathers’ Day Catastrophe. Goodbye to tears and laughs. More tears than laughs; until, the next time around.

Posted at 5:21 PM


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